The Sword of Damocles: Experiences of being at risk of Huntington's disease
3rd Online Session with the topic ‘One Disease, Dozens of Stories’ 26 June, 19:00 CET
– Written by the Moving Forward team on 11th June 2024
The Moving Forward team is organising another online session for the Spanish-speaking HD community to get to know different stories and personal experiences related to Huntington’s disease.
This session will focus on being at risk of Huntington’s disease and it will be held on Wednesday 26th June at 19h (CET).
This time, we have invited two young adults, Luis Aguilar and Claudia Villa, to share their personal stories of having an HD affected parent and being at risk of Huntington’s disease.
They will be joined by Saúl Martínez-Horta, a neuropsychologist with expertise in HD and predictive genetic testing, who will add his knowledgeable thoughts about this interesting and complex topic.
This session will also focus on the book written by Luis, “Chronicle of a Fortune Foretold”, in which he shares the challenges of growing up in an HD family and living with a backpack full of many different things, including the uncertainties of HD, on his shoulders. The book was translated into Italian by Claudia.
You can learn more about the book here.
We hope these testimonies can reach (and help) as many people as possible, so join us and register now to attend the meeting here.