In this section, we have compiled reliable information to give you an overview of Huntington’s disease. You will find interesting, clear, and didactic links to articles, FAQ sheets, videos and audio files about the history, basics, and symptoms of HD.
We believe that the better you understand HD, the better prepared you will be to deal with this diagnosis.
Hereditary Disease Foundation
The Hereditary Disease Foundation focuses on curing Huntington’s disease and its devastating consequences to individuals and families with the disease.
Here you will find information about what is HD, research information, different ways to collaborate, HD news and events worlwide.
Huntington's Outreach Project for Education at Stanford
This is a student-run project at Stanford University, California, dedicated to making scientific information about Huntington’s disease (HD) more readily accessible to patients and the public
Here you will find information about the science of HD, diet and lifestyle in HD patients, podcast and other resources