“What Can I Do?”
the second informal meeting for people at-risk for HD and people with premanifest HD in Spain
– Written by the Moving Forward Team on May 5 th 2023
The Moving Forward team is organizing the second informal meeting for people at-risk for HD and people with premanifest HD in Spain.
The meeting will take place at the Centro Social Playa Gata, headquarters of ACHE – Asociación Corea de Huntington Española in Madrid, from 16:00 to 18:00 on the 1st of July (Saturday). The practical things one can do to maintain a good health condition was one of the hot topics coming out of the Moving Forward survey. Therefore, the Moving Forward team is planning a get-together with the title “What can I Do?” to address health-related lifestyle issues that have proven to be relevant in Huntington’s disease.
Christian Ballester, a young neurologist with a special connection to HD, will speak about physical exercise, diet, sleep, and many more interesting topics. The meeting attendees will also have the chance to know more about the Moving Forward ongoing and future projects in Spain during a presentation by Ruth Blanco, the Moving Forward Project Coordinator in Spain. The gathering will end with a snack, where everyone will have the chance to meet and speak around a table full of finger food and drinks.
The Moving Forward team believes this will be a fantastic opportunity to connect with kindred spirits, speak about HD in a safe and friendly place, and feel empowered to deal with the HD challenges. Participation is free and open to people at-risk and people with premanifest HD from all over Spain. Join us in this event, by filling the Registration Form