The Moving Forward “Let Us Talk” work was among the top scoring presentations at the European Conference on Rare Diseases & Orphan Products

– Written by the Moving Forward Team on July 16th 2022

In a busy month of work dissemination, Filipa Júlio, from the Moving Forward team, attended the 11th European Conference on Rare Diseases & Orphan Products at the end of June (Photo 1 and 2).

Photo 1.
Photo 2.

This online event was joined by over 800 people from the rare diseases’ community across Europe and it was thought to be the perfect platform to showcase the Moving Forward work about “Let Us Talk: A Communication Skills Training Course for Healthcare Professionals working with Huntington’s Disease” (Photo 3).

Besides the more conventional poster, the conference organizers challenged the attendees to put together a STACK presentation of their works. Therefore, the Moving Forward team has created a comprehensive presentation which allowed us to include not only the traditional poster, but also videos from the sessions, the course promotional materials (e.g., flyers, program) and videos with testimonies from families, among other contents (Photo 4).

Photo 3.
Photo 4.

Please check our presentation here

Between over 220 presentations, the EURORDIS-Rare Diseases Europe and the ECRD 2022 Poster Committee considered that the Moving Forward work was among the top scoring posters for this conference.

As a result, we were offered the opportunity to submit an abstract of our poster for publication in The Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases (OJRD), in a special supplement published later this year. The Moving Forward team is really happy and proud with this distinction and will continue to walk the path of scientific reporting to enhance the voice of HD families in the research community.