Getting back to normal! The first Moving Forward
face-to-face meeting after Covid!
Written by the Moving Forward Team on November 29th2021
The landing of Moving Forward in Spain has been brewing for several months. However, several circumstances have made it impossible for the team members to have direct contact, and so they always connected remotely, via e-mails and videocalls. Until now.
Moving Forward is an exciting project but it is a great challenge on a human and logistical level. The project is funded by EHA and it has a multilingual team: Astri Arnesen, who is in charge from Norway; Filipa Júlio working as Project Manager from Portugal; Zaynab Umakhanova working as Project Coordinator for Russia; and Ruth Blanco working as Project Coordinator for Spain. Claudia Azañedo, based in Madrid, is in charge of communication and web design.
Fortunately, after the hard months and the restrictions caused by the pandemic, we were able to organize a face-to-face meeting in Palma (Balearic Islands – Spain), in which four of the five team members were present and were able to learn first-hand about the situation of the local HD community thanks to the meeting held with the Balearic HD Association.
Thanks to this in-person meeting we have been able to make significant progress in the project planning and implementation, and we have set the next steps to take. All these thanks to the gradual return to normality that allowed us to share the same workspace, to feel closer and more committed, and with a stronger team spirit.